What is the Village of Rosholt Public Records Policy?

In accordance with Chapter 19.34 of the Wisconsin State Statues
The Village Clerk is the custodian of all records of the Village pertaining to Village Board matters and other legal records required by law to be maintained and kept by the Clerk. Any person may contact the Clerks office for an appointment.

Records may be inspected during Usual Business Hours in the Clerks office, however, Persons wishing to inspect records shall make written request to the Clerk on an open records request form provided by the clerk.

Village Clerk: Theresa Hartvig

Phone: (715) 677-4510

Email: [email protected]

Usual Business Hours are flexible: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m..

Location & Mailing Address: Village of Rosholt, 101 S. Main Street/ PO Box 245, Rosholt WI 54473

Inspection of Public RecordsNo charge
Photocopy (per one sided page)$0.25
Photocopy (per two sided page)$0.40
Color (per one sided page)$0.40
Color (per two sided page)$0.65
Board Minutes (per meeting)$1.00
Mailing Expenses$ direct costs