There are many wonderful people who work hard to promote, maintain, and develop our community for those who work, play, and live in the area. We are proud of our small town charm, excellent schools and local government, and friendly home-town businesses. We hope that those of you from out of town find our Village a great place to visit.
Monday April 14th 2025-during regular garbage route Offered FREE by Harter’s Disposal Items such as furniture, desks, mattresses, doors, windows… Read More
Monday April 14th 2025-during regular garbage route
Offered FREE by Harter’s Disposal
Items such as furniture, desks, mattresses, doors, windows or other items that you would normally take to the land fill can be set at curbside by 8 p.m. on Sunday. If your items are not picked up by 4:00 p.m. on that Monday, please call the Village office immediately and let us know by leaving a message on the answering machine. 715-677-4510.
ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED: appliances, electronics, tires, hazardous waste and yard waste. If you have brush, leaves or limbs to dispose of, please call Rich (village maintenance) at 715-572-7567 for local burn site hours.
What is the Village of Rosholt Public Records Policy?
In accordance with Chapter 19.34 of the Wisconsin State Statues The Village Clerk is the custodian of all records of the Village pertaining to Village Board matters and other legal records required by law to be maintained and kept by the Clerk. Any person may contact the Clerks office for an appointment.
Records may be inspected during Usual Business Hours in the Clerks office, however, Persons wishing to inspect records shall make written request to the Clerk on an open records request form provided by the clerk.